29TH Annual Lakota Nation Invitational
21-Team Pool Play
Volleyball Tournament
TO: Athletic Directors, Volleyball Coaches, and Officials
FROM: Dani Walking Eagle, LNI Volleyball Tourney Director
RE: Tournament Information
Hello, the following information is in regards to the 29th Annual LNI Volleyball Tournament in Rapid City, SD, at the Monument in the Summit Arena. The dates for this years’ tournament are Friday, October 4th and Saturday, October 5th, 2024. Pool Play will begin on Friday, October 4th and Saturday, October 5th, 2024 at 9:00 am. If you have any other questions please contact me, Dani Walking Eagle at 605-747-2299 x 2100 or 605-319-8034 or e-mail dwalkinge@sfisk12.org leave a message on voice mail and I will get back to you ASAP. Following are all the particulars concerning the tournament:
Dates: Friday, October 4, 2024 and Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 9:00am (mst) will be the start time on the first day. 9:00am every day after.
Location: The Monument in the Summit Arena, Rapid City, SD.
Entry Fee: Amount: $750.00, please make checks out to
Lakota Nation Invitational,
C/O Sandra Weaver,
3213 W. Main- St #425
Rapid City, SD 57702
*Note: Entry Fees are due asap
Officials: Joe Drabb is head referee.
Locker Rooms: We have the locker room facilities in the arena.
Teams: The teams are as follows:
Pool A Pool B
1. White River High School 1. Lodge Grass High School
2. Mahpiya Luta High School 2. St. Francis High School
3. Crow Creek High School. 3. Santee High School
4. Oelrichs High School 4. St. Stephans Indian School
5. Wyoming Indian School 5. Tiospa Zina High School
6. Marty Indian School 6. Custer High School
Pool C Pool D
1. Tiospaya Topa High School 1. McLaughlin High School
2. Wakpala High School. 2. Little Wound High School
3. Pine Ridge High School 3. Lower Brule High School
4. Bennett County High School 4. Crazy Horse High School
5. Lakota Tech High School 5. Todd County High School
6. Takini High School 6. Cheyenne-Eagle Butte High School
Play: Our format for the tournament is a Round Robin style of play with four pools. We will be
playing best of 3 and rally scoring to 25 for the first 2 games and if it goes into the 3rd game we
will play to 25. The tournament will be a single-elimination tournament, at the end of pool
play we will be cross-bracketing the top team in each pool. We will be using 3 courts
throughout the tournament so please keep your team in the arena as the first game is the only
set game time. Games from that point on will be on the first available court.
Warm-up time: During the first round only, each team will have a warm-up of 4-8-8 after the first
round we will start as soon as the books are ready to go, no serving. Please keep
your team in the area so that we may keep to the schedule. This is the current
warmups used in South Dakota
Grand Entry: We will be having grand entry this year and the line up will be in the packet.
Awards: We will be giving out Etched Glass team places for 1st to 4th. There will be championship
jackets for a 15 team roster and 2 coaches and 1 manager. There will be an individual
etched glass plates for Most Valuable Player, Outstanding Setter, Best Defensive Player
and team sportsmanship and pullovers for a 21 member all tournament team ( 1 from
team). Each coach will pick one (1) player for the all tournament team from their own
team this year.
Program: We will need a 15 player roster and photo sent to Katie at Clark Printing by September
8, 2024 no exceptions!!!! e-mail an attachment to katie@clarkprinting.com , roster and picture for the program. If you do not have your picture or roster by this date you will
not be included in the program as it will go to print the very next day.
Coaches Mtg.: Coaches, Director, and Referees only!! Friday, October 4, 2024 at 8:00am
(mst). This meeting is mandatory. The meeting will be in the Rushmore Plaza Civic
Center hospitality room.
Workers: Each school must bring 1 line judge. Please submit your workers name to Dani Walking
Eagle in advance. The LNI Volleyball workers will be taking care of the books and
scorekeeping. You may also e-mail me at dwalkinge@sfisk12.org
Announcer: Colin Whirlwind Soldier is with us this year as our announcer!!! Please get a roster to
Colin as soon as you start play.
Practice: There will be no practice times this year as we will begin on Friday.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you and welcoming you back to the Lakota Nation Invitational Tournament. It is your continuing participation with us that keeps the sport of volleyball highlighted for our female athletes. If you have any questions please give me a call at 605-747-2299 x 2100/ 605-319-8034 cell # or e-mail me. Thank you. We’re looking forward to a great tournament with great action.